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제 12 호 Throwback of 2021 & Upcoming 2022

  • 작성일 2021-11-21
  • 좋아요 Like 1
  • 조회수 16543

Kicker: EDITORIAL (Throwback & Upcoming)

Throwback of 2021 & Upcoming 2022

By Sol-Hyang Park, Editor-in-chief


  The weather suddenly got cold, and December of 2021 has already come. How was 2021 for you? 

  Following last year, we have also lived under the coronavirus situation. Especially freshmen, who entered this year, would not have been able to fully enjoy a normal university life, just like sophomores. But now we are gradually accepting “With Corona,” and by next year, we may be able to have a normal university life.

  Before welcoming the hopeful next year, I would like to reflect on some recent news.
First of all, the SM Herald held the 41st Sangmyung Essay Contest last month. Originally, we conducted the contest in one classroom, but since the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been receiving essays online. The essay topics were metaverse, copyrights, and online lectures. You can also find these topics in this December issue. The award-winning essay will soon be released on the Webzine.

  Another news, like I mentioned, is the government's "With Corona" policy. It is being implemented in three steps. -In the recent first step, the operation restrictions of living facilities are eased, and the hours of using all facilities except entertainment facilities are lifted. Academies, movie theaters, performance halls, reading rooms, PC rooms, restaurants, cafes, etc. are available all day without time limit. Also, without a “Vaccine Pass,” using some multi-use facilities with a high risk of infection, such as indoor sport facilities and, karaoke rooms, is restricted.

  In the second and third stages, return to daily life before COVID-19 can be realized. However, if there is a rapid increase in the number of infection, the government will strengthen social distancing again. It can be possible, since we are getting complacent about COVID-19.
Therefore, we must follow quarantine rules such as wearing a mask and washing your hands frequently to protect ourselves from the virus.

  I hope you finish the rest of 2021 healthy and happily. I also hope that the upcoming 2022 would be more hopeful and lively to everyone.